20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1954)

Captain Nemo (played by James Mason) and to his right, Ned Land (played by Kirk Douglas)
Theatrical Trailer of Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea (1954).

     The 1954 film version of Twenty Thousand Leagues Under The Sea is an adaptation of the novel by Jules Verne. It has the same storyline, but some of the characters are depicted differently. For example, in this adaptation, Nemo, played by James Mason, is portrayed as Caucasian rather than Indian. It is important to remember than in the original novel, Captain Nemo’s background is not specified until the sequel, The Mysterious Island. The choice to have Nemo played by a Caucasian actor is also influenced by the fact that Jules Verne’s sequel was not as acclaimed and popularized as the original novel. Because of this, the detail of Captain Nemo’s identity might have been overlooked in the development of the 1954 film.

The dinner scene depicts the hospitality of Captain Nemo towards his newfound guests. He stresses the fact that their presence aboard the Nautilus is one of captivity and imprisonment. 
 The schematic design of the Nautilus featured in the 1954 film adaptation of Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea.

Source: http://www.twentythousandleaguesunderthesea.com/nautilusentireblueprints.jpg

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